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Eagle River, Alaska, United States
I'm just a young man tryin to find his way in these turbid waters that make up this life.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Web Comics

Well it may seem nerdy, but I read Web Comics. There are currently three of them that I read on a regular basis (ie whenever they are updated). The first one that I read, called Questionable Content(http://questionablecontent.net/) I heard about from a friend of mine who was in both my Japanese and AP Bio classes at school. He said that I might like it because him and I always talk about Indie rock music, and the main character is really into Indie rock music. The second one I found off of the QC homepage where the author has a list of other web comics that he reads (I also found the third one there but that is for later), It is called Sam and Fuzzy (http://samandfuzzy.com/) I read it and just found it to be super funny, in my opinion. The third one I found is called Dr. McNinja (http://drmcninja.com/) It is about a Ninja who is a doctor (or visa versa) I found it especially funny because of the lucridity of what happens (his receptionist is an Ape and he has a Velocoraptor named Yoshi, which he requires in story line #3(ha! the "#" and the "3" are on the same key!)). I don't necessarily say that you should read them, but you should read them. Also, if you read them, you must read them from the beginning to understand what is going on. Enjoy!

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