About Me

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Eagle River, Alaska, United States
I'm just a young man tryin to find his way in these turbid waters that make up this life.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Last Weekend in Alaska

Well, this was my last weekend in Alaska. So, as part of my Christmas present from my Grandma Patras, my parents took my little brother and myself to Alyeska Ski Resort to ski and stay for two days.
We left the house Friday morning and John and I started skiing. I don't know what they do in the rest of the country, but up here at Aly, they changed the lift-ticketing system. When I started skiing it was just a little wire thing that you stuck this sticker that was a specific colour and had the day's date on it. Last season they changed it to those plastic bands, like what Air Marshals use to handcuff people on planes, and they used bar codes on them to let you on the lifts. Then, they changed them again this season to little plastic cards that get scanned automatically by this big 'ol things that just sit there.
We skied Friday and Saturday. I left early, because I hadn't been to church in like a month so I left in time to buy my girlfriend a present and get to Vespers on Saturday, while the rest of my family stayed another night.
Then today I just sat around and talked to my girlfriend on the phone.
Isn't my life just exciting!

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